As of May 2019 we are proud to announce that we have partnered with Kualo for all our hosting, email, domain name brokering & website security. Having researched all the available options, it made perfect sense for us and our clients. The UK datacentre runs on 100% green-sourced power as specified by E.ON (the Supplier) and as regulated by Ofgem. E.ON are one of the leading renewable generators in the UK with over 20 on-shore and off-shore wind farms, including the London Array, the world’s largest off-shore wind farm with a capacity of 630MW.
Kualo also use renewable energy for 100% of their U.S. operations, as certified by Green-e, North America’s leading voluntary certification programme for renewable energy. They have additionally been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a Green Power Partner. The renewable energy is sourced through Native Energy, one of the few genuinely high-integrity businesses in the sector. Their projects go beyond simply generating renewable energy, but moreover, delivering social benefits for the communities in which those projects are located, including schools, family owned farms and Native American tribes. Kualo are a partner member of The Green Web Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation who are on a mission to speed up the transition towards a completely green Internet. As a client of ours you can rest assured that your website, email & domain will be running on renewable energy and you can verify this on their website:
We have thus far found them to be exceptional from a technical perspective, reliable, friendly and available 24 hours a day. This gives us & our clients a total piece of mind with the range of reliable services we can provide through them. We were equally keen to associate with a company who provided what we required for our clients at cost effective rates which we wanted to offer back to our customers. Choosing a company who shared our environmental values was crucial, Kualo’s vision and initiatives are really admirable. For further information please click the link below, which shows the steps taken to reduce their carbon footprint and provide hosting powered by 100% renewable energy.