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You could have the coolest looking, fully loaded website in the world… but what’s the point if it has no traffic, or the right people aren’t finding it and it’s ultimately not pulling it’s weight in your business? We firmly believe that a really good website is the hub of your business and should arguably be the best sales asset you have in generating and converting leads.

As with all professions in any walk of life, we look up to a few people who are at the very top of their game. Three such names from the digital marketing world who we fully respect are award winning entrepreneur Neil Patel, who is continually breaking new ground, especially when it comes to search engine optimisation. The other names, well, that is of course the Google webmasters team themselves consisting of Matt Cutts & John Mueller in particular. If you don’t think SEO is still relevant or important today then think again and please watch the 3 videos opposite ->

Are your services being found in your geographic location?
Is your website optimised for mobile first indexing?
Is it ready to be found on voice (Alexa etc) which is now starting to take over?

Those are just a few example questions out of dozens that we could ask you. Through the years, we have created our own tried & tested 250 point strategic SEO check-list that is 100% organic and requires no paid for ads. Our SEO packages will boost your website up the Google/Bing/Yahoo rankings. We have vastly improved the visibility of numerous businesses/websites over the years (ask us for a case study) and taken many of them right to the 1st position in their sector within the specifically identified search phrases or keywords. 2019 stats show that Google is now responsible for over 85% of all searches, so that is where we focus attention most of course. For obvious reasons, we cannot give away our secrets but rest assured we have never had any complaints about our SEO results – in fact the opposite would be true with lots of satisfied clients.

Our SEO Packages:

  • 6 months = £700 (minimum 5 hours each month) equivalent of £23.33 ph.
  • 12 months = £1200 (minimum 5 hours each month) equivalent of £20.00 ph.
  • 18 months = £1600 (minimum 5 hours each month) equivalent of £17.78 ph.
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Code54 SEO prices work on a sliding scale discount for a couple of reasons: 1. To reward you for investing in a long term strategy 2. Because improving rankings doesn’t happen overnight, and beware of anyone that tells you differently or makes false promises, the longer we can work on the website for you over a sustained period, the better the results will be.

Whilst we are extremely confident and have a proven track record of success, there are a whole host of factors that can affect the level of success from any dedicated SEO work and as such you’ll hopefully appreciate our honesty in saying that there are no absolute guarantees. Algorithms are changing all the time, along with what your competitors are up to but there are a only few things we can’t control and so many that we can, so let’s get started – time waits for no man!

Get a quotation or book a no-obligation consultation with Code54 today.


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