New (environmentally friendly) hosting mission statement:
After almost 10 years in business, we are proud to announce today that we have invested a significant sum of money to not only enhance the web hosting services infrastructure we have built and currently provide but to also partner with a company who share our passion for protecting the environment. As a result, every single one of our client websites, email & domains in 17 different countries around the world to date will now be completely powered by 100% renewable energy! Our aim is to become one of the most Eco-friendly design & marketing agencies in the UK. This industry is not easy, so milestones like this help to make it rewarding. We hope this pleases our existing clients as much as it has us.
Importantly this will also enable us to scale our current capacity and business to host up to 200 client websites and even more additional assets… slightly more than double what we had. It follows some of our other endeavours made earlier this year to try and achieve 100% carbon neutral status as a business by the end of 2019.
We have already closed our office to all work remotely 18 months ago, saving on unnecessary daily travel emissions and partnered with a fantastic cause “The Trillion Tree Campaign” meaning that for every £1000 spent with us in new business from 2019 onwards, we will donate 10% and plant up to 500 trees somewhere in the world. Few people know that a tree can be planted for as little as 20p and that it is one of the most sustainable ways we can repair the damage to the planet. Once the Website/App Design, Branding, Marketing or Consultancy project is completed we will show you exactly where your trees are located and you can enjoy watching their progress.
We already operate a completely paperless system with all customer invoices, specs, and receipts sent out in electronic format. Finally, we are really excited about purchasing a fully electric company vehicle very soon, so stay tuned for pics. The more we can all do – the better the chance our next generation have. To find out more about our values and services please visit: https://code54.co.uk/environment
Don’t forget we also provide referral fees to reward introducer’s, so please share if you know of someone who may need our help to grow a business.
Barry Hollywood
Managing Director